Sudan Digital Maps


Capital: Khartoum
Surface: 1.886.068 km2
Population: 40,235,000

Languages: Arabic, English
Currency: Sudanese pound (SDG)

Purchasing power:

Country Maps
City Maps
2D Clutter Maps
3D Maps

This is the complete list of Sudan Digital Maps that you can purchase in

Sudan Country Maps

Continent Country Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Africa Sudan Digital Map Detailed SUDAN NATIONAL OVERVIEW Main National Streets, High Ways, Basic Hydrology, Main Towns Centroids, Points of Interest and Administrative Division WGS 84 1:600.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map Basic General SUDAN NATIONAL OVERVIEW Main National Streets, High Ways, Basic Hydrology, Main Towns Centroids, Points of Interest and Country Limit WGS 84 1:950.000 2017

Sudan City Maps

Continent Country Type Region Item Description Coordinate System Scale Vintange
Africa Sudan Digital Map Capital Omdurman Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Khartoum Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Khartoum North Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Port Sudan Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Kassala Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Nyala Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Al Gedaref Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Kosti Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Al Fashir Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Juba Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
Africa Sudan Digital Map City Rabak Blocks, Center Lines, Streets, Basic Street Names, Points of Interest and City Limits WGS 84 1:5.000 2017
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